UK’s biggest Bollywood flashmob, inspired by dance show Nach Baliye on Star Plus

Monday 29th June 2015, London, UK – Londoners were treated to a surprise performance on Wednesday 17th June 2015 as more than 50 dancers descended across the capital to take part in the UK’s biggest Bollywood ‘flash mob’ its seen. Starting with just six dancers, the ‘flash mob’ group quickly grew, with the performers emerging from all corners of the crowd dancing to catchy Bollywood tunes, as bystanders looked both delighted and bemused. 
Bollywood. Calling themselves BollyMobUK, the dancers, mainly students from the Shiamak Davar’s London Dance Academy, stated they were inspired when watching the popular Indian dance show Nach Baliye on Star Plus (literal translations “Dance with me my beloved”).
Gurjeev Singh Kapoor, President – Star International said: “We are extremely pleased that one of our ongoing dance shows Nach Baliye on Star Plus has inspired a group of dancers to take the joy of dancing to the streets of London. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our loyal viewers for watching Star Plus.”
Driven by the art and love of Bollywood dance, the lively bunch of dancers danced across the capital: Tower Hill, Liverpool Street, Southbank, Wembley Central and Hounslow Central to name a few– spreading some Bollywood magic with the aim to delight Londoners and spread joy all around.
Shruti Shah, Senior Instructor and Manager at Shiamak Davar International (UK) said: “All of my students are big fans of the dance show Nach Baliye and have always talked about the choreography or a dance they’ve loved on the show. Bollywood as a dance form has grown a lot over the years because of shows like Nach Baliye. We are grateful to have got the opportunity to take Bollywood to the streets of London with a flash mob – BollyMobUK.”
The upbeat performance by BollyMobUK has already been circulating across all social media platforms reaching over 17k views on its official YouTube page in 2 days since its compilation video upload on Sunday 21st June. Within 24 hours of it being shared on Star Plus Facebook page, it reached over 35,500 viewers and generated shares attaining up to 100K viewers.
Nach Baliye is a dance reality-television series in its seventh successful season on Star Plus – officially the UK’s No. 1 Asian TV channel and will have its grand finale on 19th July 2015.
Catch Nach Baliye 7 on UK’s No.1 Asian channel Star Plus every Sunday at 8pm on Sky 784, Virgin Media 803, Talk Talk 440 and CineFun TV.
#BollyMobUK #NachBaliye7 #TooMuch
@ShiamakLondon @ShiamakMidlands @STARTVUK