THE LAST MUTINEERS By Patrick Bedont Jr Book Review

THE LAST MUTINEERS By Patrick Bedont Jr Book Review

The Author of The Last Mutineers

The Last Mutineers ( is a series of seven paperback books written by Patrick Bedont Jr. The books are published by Tepbian Kord Publishing, which is Patrick’s own Publishing Company located in a small town south of Pittsburgh, PA.
This is where you find corporate suits selling cheap wares causing the end for many local businesses. With this in mind, he looked at the different aspects of large corporations. As in they are corrupt to the core and only have one thing in mind: profitability.
According to the author, these businesses buy out government agencies with their large amounts of money and hold back loads of information from you and me if they cannot buy the ideas themselves. Patrick Bedont says that, “We truly are living in a sad world.”
Therefore, it is up to authors like him to address these topics and get people thinking outside their comfort zones and to start thinking for themselves. This being why The Last Mutineers series came into existence. For he wants people to follow the runic symbol of Algiz and start protecting themselves. THE LAST MUTINEERS By Patrick Bedont Jr Book Review

More about the Last Mutineers

The Last Mutineers Volume 1: Prequel is all about World War 3 taking place on Earth after a rebellion in the USA. There are a few thousand survivors and the world, as we know it, is nowhere near the same.
The story unfolds around the survivors left behind. After a few years, the survivors split into two groups. Each one promising some form of security. The groups being The Order and The Stigmata. The Order believes in keeping all safe through brutality. While The Stigmata rules with trust in prosperity.

The biggest concern is that both groups are in a secured enclosure. This being in a world where voracious mutated beasts rule the land outside of said enclosure. In such a world, it is definitely survival of the fittest. Both groups needs to stick together in finding a way out to reverse the effects of humankind’s doing. But they end up becoming mortal enemies in the process.
How did it end up like this, you may be wondering? Well, technology was the cause of humanity’s fall. The fall was caused by the man-made nanobiotechnology which ended the war and drove humanity to extinction. All that is left are those that fled to the Wind River Ranges of Wyoming after the war.
Because that just so happens to be where a mystical barrier is located. For the hemispherical barrier is installed by an ancient alien race to provide protection against the imminent Ice Age once the super-volcano erupts. But it ends up serving a completely different purpose. That being to keep humanity safe from itself.
The biggest challenge the human survivors face is in passing the barrier. Because if they do not have the Sagaciapendant, they are incinerated on impact.
However, there is a catch. As the only ones that can get access to this pendant are the legendary Chosen. Whose imminent arrival is preached night and day by a trio of men known as the Elders.
These Elders predicted humankind’s downfall and saved their loyal followers. But only the all-knowing trio knows of the Chosen’s existence. In essence, the survivors see the Elders as gods.
As the story progresses, the group is in luck. For five young Mutineers from The Order’s settlement have been picked by some patrolling Stigmatamen. Only to have them face a difficult challenge at their training course: Castra Salutem. Will they be able to prove their worth and save humanity’s existence by getting through the different obstacles? Or will they falter and fail? Ultimately dooming humanity’s existence on this blessed sphere.

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