OBG And The Birth Of Hip Hop In The Bronx
An educational and informational film by Isaac Auguste on the birth of Hip Hop music in the Bronx, New York, focuses on one of the pioneers of the genre known famously as OBG. This true story goes on a journey with OBG and the Hip Hop community around him. Through his ‘Artist On The Rise‘ foundation, he mentored the future talents, motivated and passed on his skills and expertise to them throughout his career .
From interviews with DJs, actors, artists, poets and others, we find out who OBG was, his personality, his positive contribution to the society through his music and his own self and his strong faith in God which made him keep moving even after four open heart surgeries.
OBG, an entrepreneur and a rapper himself features in this film. He talks about his faith in God, how the people of the Hip Hop culture needed him and how he and others like him worked hard to push Hip Hop out to the masses and invite them to be a part of their culture.
Isaac Auguste has truly done a great service to the Hip Hop culture and the community of the Bronx, New York by making this film. By this film, this small community of artists, poets, rappers, actors and so on will get a spotlight on in the world. Those who are interested in learning and wanting to know more about Hip Hop and the Bronx, would definitely travel there and see the community welcome them with open arms.