MICHAEL CAINE Twitter Trend Sends A Shockwave
Ok guys, Michael Caine is trending on twitter, and no, he hasn’t taken that long walk!
For a moment i had this gutt wrenching panicy feeling that the soft speaking, square spectacled Brit has, you know, gone to where David Bowie said ‘I don’t know where I’m going, but i promise it won’t be boring!’ I just saw the trending list, and Michael Caine’s name was second in the list. I had to double check to see if it was really his name written there. I clicked it, and as the page opened, i searched around for the unfortunate news. But no, Thank God!!! Turns out that the gun totting tough looking charming gentleman is in favour of leaving the EU!
Now i’m not into politics, nor do i understand the damn thing, but if Mr. Caine says Out, then it means Out!
Here are a few tweets of people who got mini heart attacks on the trending news on twitter, and of those who think that Mr. Caine’s advice is right, but not many people know that:
Just saw that was Caine was trending. Clicked and all is good. Seriously, @Twitter, don’t do that to us!!
— jamesmb (@jamesmb) January 22, 2016
Saw Caine had started trending and panicked
— Eliot Higgins (@EliotHiggins) January 22, 2016
Stupid Twitter. DO NOT MAKE MICHAEL CAINE TREND! He’s an elderly legend. My heart is already weak with sorrow… ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME?
— Les Floyd (@Lesism) January 22, 2016
Just saw Michael Caine trending and my heart sank! What a huge relief it’s not what I feared. Don’t do that to us Twitterverse! #toomanydead
— Ruth (@TweetsByRuth) January 22, 2016
Just saw Michael Caine was trending and had a shit fit thinking that he had passed away ?
— Bilbo Rock (@BilboRocky) January 22, 2016
Big up my boy Michael Caine. Leaving the EU is the only option it we want our country back!
— Lush Juan (@ClassicWillard) January 22, 2016
Michael Caine: I don’t know what to vote on the Europe Referendum but I think we should get out. I love Michael Caine.
— The Real® Pengy™ (@RealPengy) January 22, 2016
Listened to Michael Caine on R4, he’s cool. Talks a lot of sense. Not many people know that.
— The Real® Pengy™ (@RealPengy) January 22, 2016