Is Tom Hardy A Stormtrooper In THE LAST JEDI?
Is Tom Hardy A Stormtrooper In THE LAST JEDI?
It is rumoured, that Tom Hardy will play the role of a Stormtrooper in the upcoming Star Wars movie THE LAST JEDI. Although it is only a rumour, but it is evident on the IMDB website, which has Hardy’s picture on the top of the list of the cast starring in Episode VIII. Is Tom Hardy A Stormtrooper In THE LAST JEDI?
Tom Hardy has also shown an interest in playing the role of the iconic secret agent, James Bond 007. There is also a rumour circulating that he will be the next James Bond after Daniel Craig will leave the franchise. As it is not definite yet that the actor who played Bane in The Dark Knight Rises will be the next Bond, not much can be said, but him playing a Stormtrooper can turn out to be true.
Previously, in Star Wars Episode VII The Force Awakens, Daniel Craig played a Stormtrooper who is keeping guard on Rey. Rey uses her force of mind control which works on him, and he sets her free. Let’s see what kind of a scene Tom Hardy gets. I hope it is better than what Daniel Craig got. Fingers crossed to that!
Watch TABOO starring Tom Hardy who returns from Africa to London in 1814 to build a shipping empire of his own.