Eric Kolelas is an actor, and director who is the creative behind the short film Hold, a post-apocalyptic drama which released on the 2nd of February. Kolelas, not only wrote and directed the compelling and mysterious short, but gives a quality performance alongside his co-star Amanda Fernando Stevens. Hold, marks Kolelas’ third short film effort and is available online at
Hold is set in a deserted landscape, and Eric Kolelas’ character only interacts with one other being. Viewers will be left wanting more and wondering what happened to the characters, and the world they once knew?
Kolelas’ motivation for the story favours the human condition over the physiological need for sex, and this theme is prevalent in his clever direction and beautiful cinematography.
Kolelas, is determined to make it in the biz – one way or another. He is talented young actor based in London trying to make a living from his talents and passion for acting. After attending numerous auditions, and with his big break still to come he set out to create his own work and screen time opportunities — Hold being one of these.
When asked, why he has gone about this method of exposure, Kolelas puts it bluntly, “I need to be in credible work. I need to be taken seriously and be seen by the industry decision makers for a shot at future acting opportunities”.
In the show-biz industry the actor must attend numerous castings and auditions, endure many call-backs and ambiguous comments from casting directors before they become the “working actor”. This challenging road is not for those who lack tenacity or a thick skin and Kolelas proves, through his actions, that he is in the industry to make an impact.
Kolelas also comments on the entertainment industry stating he believes “there is no formula to making it, you just got to be persistent and keep creative”. He is definitely experimenting the best way he knows how and he hopes his short film, Hold, will get him the exposure he desires.
The Title Picture is and the Pictures used within the article are Courtesy of Eric Kolelas.