In Conversation With City Of Angels Women’s Film Festival Founder Lisa K. Crosato
Lisa K. Crosato is an Actress, Writer and Producer who has appeared in numerous independent films and stage plays. She’s also recently completed her second feature screenplay.
I got a chance to have a little conversation with Lisa talking about her career as an actress and how she progressed into founding City of Angels Women’s Film Festival in Los Angeles, which connects and empowers women and those identifying as female in the film industry.

The London Tree Ent.: Hi Lisa, I hope you are doing good today.
Lisa K. Crosato: I am doing very well, thanks for asking.
The London Tree Ent.: I would kindly like you to tell me a little bit about yourself please.
Lisa K. Crosato: I grew up in Vancouver, Canada and began acting in plays and working in Canadian film and television projects. I met a Hollywood director named Robert Hyatt who was visiting a friend of mine in Vancouver during that time. For those of you that like movie history, he played the little boy in Miracle on 34th Street (1947). He encouraged me to move to Los Angeles after seeing some of my acting work. When I moved to L.A, he cast me in my first feature film role called “Deadly Ransom” which got me into the Screen Actors Guild.
The London Tree Ent.: That seems like a very good start. What interested you in becoming an actress?
Lisa K. Crosato: I knew that I wanted to become an actress or performer at an early age because I was always putting on shows that I would create and then perform for family members as a kid. I think there was a writer inside of myself as well because I liked putting the story together in my imagination.
The London Tree Ent.: Kindly tell how you evolved from being a newcomer to the entertainment industry to being a professional actress?
Lisa K. Crosato: I started working in the film industry in the late 90’s in Los Angeles and was cast mostly in independent films in what I would call “girlfriend” roles. I think this motivated me to start writing and producing my own material. There are still far fewer parts for women in any given script than men, but hopefully this is changing as more women start writing and directing. Also, as more women writers emerge, the complexity of the roles for women gets better.
The London Tree Ent.: Tell us about the screenplays you’ve written?
Lisa K. Crosato: I’ve written two feature screenplays and they are complete opposites. One is a very physical and outrageous comedy called XXL which has won numerous awards at film festivals. It evolved out of a short film project and the characters are loosely based on my real-life friendship with an actress and our crazy antics. My most recent script is based on the true crime story of the Sheila LaBarre murders called DEVOURED. This took a lot of research and consultation with Sheila’s real-life sister, Lynn Noojin. I hold the life rights to Lynn Noojin’s story and wanted to shed light on what it was like to grow up with a sister who became a serial killer from the good sister’s perspective. This was scary to write because of the nature of the material but the story of one of history’s few female serial killers needs to be told. We hope to shoot the project in New England where Sheila and her sister grew up.

The London Tree Ent.: After gaining experience through your work as an actress, writer and a producer, you’ve started a film festival called ‘City of Angels Women’s Film Festival’. How did you come up with the idea?
Lisa K. Crosato: I started City of Angels Women’s Film Festival in 2019 with the goal of showcasing female (and those who identify as female) filmmakers work. I was inspired to launch the festival because I felt there still needs to be more attention given to women in film. I believe we have further to go, as far as gender equality in the film industry is concerned. I also want to build a community of female filmmakers that will have a place to bring their creative work and their ideas, which is City of Angels Women’s Film Festival. It’s a way to give back because I enjoy the positivity of bringing talented people together to express themselves and hopefully generate change. It’s very rewarding!

The London Tree Ent.: In what way is ‘COAWFF’ empowering women by telling their stories?
Lisa K. Crosato: City of Angels Women’s Film Festival is an inclusive festival which empowers women to tell their stories. We are highlighting work that showcases women directors and writers and the themes that matter to women currently in history or “herstory” to be specific.
The London Tree Ent.: Does ‘COAWFF’ only take submissions from the USA, or can women from different parts of the world also participate in it?
Lisa K. Crosato: COAWFF accepts films globally. We have international participants, and we have a virtual panel that takes place to introduce those participants to each other from all over the world. This panel is led by our UK producer, Paul Dubois from London. In fact, we aim to build a virtual bridge from Los Angeles to London, Europe and beyond. I feel that many of the issues that affect women in the United States are shared by women in film around the world. Last year’s panel included producers Rosa Bosch from Spain (Buena Vista Social Club, The Quiet Girl), Emmy award winner Kate Ogborn from the UK and Bafta award winner (The Bad Cop) and head of the BFI Doc Society, Lisa Marie Russo and others. This panel is currently on Youtube if your readers want to watch.
I have always felt an affinity with international filmmakers and artists because my life has been international. Growing up in another country and immigrating to the United States has made me appreciative of international perspectives. I also spent a considerable amount of time in London and Europe in my twenties before I moved to Los Angeles.

The London Tree Ent.: How can women submit their projects to City of Angels Women’s Film Festival?
Lisa K. Crosato: If people want to submit their film or script to COAWFF , they can go to Film Freeway, , Click for Festivals or Festhome via our website on the Submit page: Please note that the festival accepts films and scripts by men if they feature a female protagonist or have a female driven cast in their film or script.

The London Tree: When is the next film festival taking place?
Lisa K. Crosato: The live festival takes place Sept 2-4th in Los Angeles. The international virtual panel will take place September 1st. All are welcome and we encourage people to sign up for our newsletter.
The London Tree Ent.: In the end, what message would you give women to motivate them in becoming an actress, writer and a producer?
Lisa K. Crosato: For women of any age that want to make a film or write a script, my advice would be to just dive in and allow your story to be realized in whatever format you are drawn to express it in. I also believe that it’s very achievable to thrive in more than one category. I think it’s smart to act, write and produce your own material because you are creating your own fortune instead of waiting for others.
Thank you so much Lisa for this opportunity. I hope your Film Festival flourishes and becomes part of the international world of film and empowers women to come forward and tell their unique stories.
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Facebook: City of Angels Women’s Film Festival
Twitter: @coawff
Instagram: @cityofangelswomensfilmfest
In Conversation With City Of Angels Women’s Film Festival Founder Lisa K. Crosato. In Conversation With City Of Angels Women’s Film Festival Founder Lisa K. Crosato. In Conversation With City Of Angels Women’s Film Festival Founder Lisa K. Crosato. In Conversation With City Of Angels Women’s Film Festival Founder Lisa K. Crosato