An Interview With Norwegian Fashion Model Caroline Kristiansen
Fashion model Caroline Kristiansen is a new face in the world of fashion. I first met her at the Pure London Show Event 2014 in Kensington Olympia, London. There she cat-walked for different brands including Lavish Alice, Genese, Anna Smith and The British Edit among many others. An Interview With Norwegian Fashion Model Caroline Kristiansen
Caroline Kristiansen’s future as a fashion model looks very promising as she has modelled and cat-walked for many well known brands, including the most famous Parisian Lingerie brand LOU which was also modelled by the well known French sex icon Brigitte Bardot. I had a chance to have a little conversation with Caroline, in which she talks about her life, modelling and her future goals. An Interview With Norwegian Fashion Model Caroline Kristiansen
The London Tree: Hi Caroline, it’s an immense pleasure to talk to you. Please tell me about yourself, and how did you get into fashion modelling?
Caroline Kristiansen: I am born and raised in Norway, a proper Viking. After school I felt a bit stuck. I didn’t know what I wanted to do and felt like there was not much for me to do there. I decided I wanted to travel, see other countries and work as a model and that’s what I’ve been doing. I was lucky enough to be able to work full time as a model and earn good money in London, so that’s where I’ve been for most of my career. Before I started modelling I was working at McDonalds full time. Quite the jump to go from flipping burgers into modelling. I met my boyfriend, Joss Ash two years ago in London. He is a surfer from Cornwall so we go down as much as we can so I can drink tea and he can surf. I have been on a surfboard a few times, but I’m not good enough to brag about it, unfortunately. An Interview With Norwegian Fashion Model Caroline Kristiansen

The London Tree: When was the first time you did a catwalk, and what did it feel like?
Caroline Kristiansen: My first ever fashion show as a fashion model was during Athens fashion week many years back. It was horrendous. I was more nervous than I had ever been. I remember thinking all the girls looked so professional on the catwalk and I felt like the odd duckling in the crowd. I made it through the show without tripping (Phew..) and it felt awesome afterwards. I still get nervous before shows, but its more of an exciting feeling now. An Interview With Norwegian Fashion Model Caroline Kristiansen
The London Tree: How many fashion brands have you worked for till now and which one is your most favourite and why?
Caroline Kristiansen: I wouldn’t be able to remember them all. I have been in the industry for a long time and have done many jobs. I’ve been working with Tom Ford, Superdry, Top Shop and many more. I’ve done campaigns for Yumi four times now. They are an amazing team. To work with a brand for that many times, its interesting to see how they change and how I change with them. My newest Yumi campaign is out soon and I can’t wait to share the pictures on my Instagram. An Interview With Norwegian Fashion Model Caroline Kristiansen

Shot-by: Peter Pedonomou
The London Tree: How does it feel when you are on a catwalk and are constantly being photographed?
Caroline Kristiensen: I never think too much about it really, I feel they always care more about the clothes rather than me. So my main focus is not to trip or screw up the choreography. An Interview With Norwegian Fashion Model Caroline Kristiansen
The London Tree: You have also done a commercial for a famous Parisian lingerie brand called LOU. What was the experience like to pose and act infront of a movie camera?
Caroline Kristiansen: A video shoot is very different from a photo shoot. It’s a different way of working, but I absolutely love it. I felt really comfortable doing the job for LOU and I felt I could really express myself in the video as a fashion model. I worked with a very talented director Gabriel Gettman, who has a great team of creative people behind him. In order to do the commercial, i had to learn to dance, therefore i spent one day with a dance instructor. I learned and practised some dance movements and exercises which helped me get in tune with my self. After that the commercial shoot became the most interesting and fun experience for me.
The London Tree: What is the most fun part of modelling?
Caroline Kristiansen: I love the fact that I get to meet so many different people and no day is the same in this industry. The main thing I love the most are the trips abroad. I absolutely love to travel, but I extremely hate airports. It is Probably the worst combination in my profession. I end up eating a lot at airport by the lack of anything else to do. (or duty free.. shhhh) An Interview With Norwegian Fashion Model Caroline Kristiansen
The London Tree: What is fashion for you personally?
Caroline Kristiansen: Fashion for me is work and I do as everyone should. I leave my work at work. I’m an absolute slob. I am all for comfort and the minute I get home I put on my Pj`s or sweatpants. I have more hoodies than shoes and more sweatpants than bags. Obviously I like to be well dressed when I’m out, and I do follow the trend while trying to keep my style personal. Right now I’m obsessed with loose jeans and wool sweaters. Mixing comfort with style. In Norway its freezing at the moment, so anything else other than a big woolen sweater will turn you into a snowman.

Tatjana Anika ss/16
Shot by: Kimi Hammerstroem
The London Tree: Which famous fashion model do you look upto as a role model, and why?
Caroline Kristiansen: I look up to people who are a part of making this world a little better for everyone. I hear about people who travel to make a difference, and I have great respect for them. I think we need more of such people in the world. That didn’t really answer the question, but I don’t have any specific famous model I’m looking up to. I look up to non famous, normal people who makes an effort to make a change.
The London Tree: One last question. Is becoming a super model your goal in life?
Caroline Kristiansen: I’m always trying to limit my goals to the near future. My main goal at the moment is to finish my A-levels while modelling. I would love to work with youths and children from dysfunctional families. I’m setting small goals for myself all the time so that hopefully I am able to do something later on along those lines. Its important to take small steps so that way your goal never seems too far away, or too hopeless to reach.

Published in The Libertine
Shot by: Stefano Fabbri
The London Tree: Which modelling agency are you with as a fashion model?
Caroline Kristiansen: Im signed with Storm model management in London, Starlet by Ravensborg in Norway, Blow in Spain and Marilyn Paris. Very strong and good agencies.
If you are still not tired of me after reading this, you can check out my Instagram: Kristiansen_caroline
I haven’t really been to much on snapchat but I am trying, so be patient with me!:
The London Tree: It felt so nice talking to you Caroline. I hope you have a bright future ahead of you.
Caroline Kristiansen: It was a pleasure talking to you and thank you for the kind wishes.
Images within the article starting from the top
Hippi and the Holistics
Shotby: LouvDenim
Yumi ss/14
Shot-by: Peter Pedonomou
Tatjana Anika ss/16
Shot by: Kimi Hammerstroem
Published in The Libertine
Shot by: Stefano Fabbri
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