LOGAN Trailer Review This Will Be Wolverine’s Last Strike As A Mutant
LOGAN Trailer Review This Will Be Wolverine’s Last Strike As A Mutant
LOGAN Trailer Review This Will Be Wolverine’s Last Strike As A Mutant. A lot of us Wolverine and Professor X fans would be heartbroken to know that this will be the last time Hugh Jackman and Sir Patrick Stewart would be playing their most iconic marvel comic book characters. They both first took their roles when the first X-Men (2000) came out. After that, they were both the most important characters of the XMen film series. The reason for Hugh Jackman to say goodbye to the Wolverine character is his age and the fight against skin cancer.
The title LOGAN, is a reference to Mark Millar’s graphic novel ‘Old Man Logan‘, and is infact the most emotional trailer that Marvel has yet released. It hits you in the heart to see that Wolverine is now slowly losing his healing power. A character so powerful is at last facing its most hardest time in life. He has grown old, and is slowly becoming weak which is visible at the start of the trailer when his hand is seen shaking. Professor X by the way is in a similar situation, only that he is suffering from Alzheimers which is now in the last stages of his life.
The trailer starts off with a lonely and week Logan. Standing in a graveyard he’s heard saying ‘The Mutants, they have gone now‘, which puts emphasis on how the world of mutants has come to an end. The blood on his hands and the painful scars on his back show that he’s slowly loosing the power of healing. Professor X is then seen lying bed stricken suffering from Alzheimers. A new character is then introduced as a young girl named Laura/X-23 (Dafne Keen) who is actually a female clone of Wolverine. They are seen face to face being introduced for the first time. A convoy of armed men is seen with a short clip of a mysterious man dressed in cowboy style with glasses and a rough cloth covering his face. Professor X is heard telling Wolverine ‘She needs our help‘, which indicates that the army convoy is in search of her. Laura might be the last of the young living mutants which is seen as a danger by the humans who want to eliminate her. Thus, the army is shown entering Logan’s house in search of her. Realising that the girl is the only hope for the future, Logan is forced into fighting against the humans with the help of Professor X.
Logan is set to release on 3rd March, 2017. It is a must watch for all the Marvel and Wolverine fans because it will be the last time Hugh Jackman reprises his role as the most beloved and iconic marvel character. LOGAN Trailer Review This Will Be Wolverine’s Last Strike