WHEN HE’S GONE Is An Intimate Portrait Of A Woman’s Love For Man
WHEN HE’S GONE, a Melissa Jean Woodside short film is an intimate portrait of a woman’s love for man.
Told from a woman’s point of view, WHEN HE’S GONE brings out the emotional and affectionate feelings of a woman for a man. It raises the question of the existence of love. Having a philosophical approach towards life, the film shows a person’s transition through age and its link to its former self. Youth is what gives birth to unconditional love, which goes on in life no matter how long it stays. Even when that love fades away, there is still some instance when it comes back again as fresh as it was before.
The characters in the short film are a symbol of life. They all have a strong bond with each but are still unique to themselves. The old represent a time passed away, and with it its love and affection; while the youth represent the present and future of the budding love and its progression. In this interesting short film, director Melissa Jean Woodside has very artistically summed up the different ages of love.
The film revolves around Imogen, a 70 year old woman who meets a young man who resembles Jeff, the love of her life. She talks with him during lunch refreshing her memories of past love and while all that is happening, a new love is unfolding.
The short film is entirely shot in a very interesting cafe called The Wet Fish Cafe in London. The cast includes Jennifer Munby, Jamie Kingston, Lucy Coleshill and Melissa Jean Woodside with Ash Selmes. Cinematography is done by Amarjeet Singh and editing by Roger Mullins.