Taking the topic of gropers in Japan, Director Nagisa Isogai brought her short film to the 22nd Raindance Film Festival 2014, where it had its UK Premiere in London. Getting promoted by Third Window Films in the UK, this short film is a part of a project through which new directors and talents are promoted within Japan as well as internationally. It is also having its release in Dual Format titled as ‘NEW DIRECTORS FROM JAPAN’ on 24th November, 2014. It will be a limited edition set of only 1,000 copies; therefore you can order it by clicking the following Amazon link:

New Directors from Japan.
Courtesy of Third Window Films
Written by Director Nagisa Isogai, the short film is based on a true event that happened in the Director’s life. It deals with the topic of gropers in Japan. This kind of practice which is mainly done by men in Japan has been affecting the women, especially the high school girls. Director Nagisa Isogai remembers when such an incident happened with a friend of hers when they were in an all-girls high school. A man was flashing himself in the train and a few girls found out. At first it seemed like a joke, but the matter escalated into violence, and thus the man ended up getting beaten up by the girls. This act of courage is what inspired Director Nagisa Isogai to make a film on.
The short film carries in it many different aspects of femininity. It shows that the main female lead becomes brave and strong once she teams up with other girls to deal with such kind of a problem. At the same time it also shows her to be weak, as she has an abusive step-father. But there is another side to the short film too, and that deals with the women themselves. The Director has shown that there are instances when women themselves invite men to touch them. Thus it shows that many men who grope women don’t do it unless they are invited to.
The short film revolves around a girl who catches a groper on the infamous Hanagawa train line, who manages to escape. She teams up with a couple of girls and goes on a hunt to catch gropers who take that train line. One of the girls has a different idea which brings up a very surprising twist to the story.
The short film has been shown in different film festivals both nationally and internationally including 24th Yubari International Fantastic Film Festival 2014 in Yubari, Japan where it had its World Premiere; 22nd Raindance Film Festival 2014 in London where it had its UK Premiere, and East Winds Film Festival 2014 in Coventry University, Coventry, UK.
Earlier in September, I sat with Director Nagisa Isogai and talked briefly with her about her short film. You can read about it here: IN CONVERSATION WITH DIRECTOR NAGISA ISOGAI IN THE 22ND RAINDANCE FILM FESTIVAL 2014.
Director: Nagisa Isogai
Writer: Nagisa Isogai
Producer: Nagisa Isogai
Cinematographer: Kei Nakase
Cast: Reine Honma, Elisa Hanagi, Akira Nakata.
Genre: Drama, Youth.
Country: Japan
Lanuage: Japanese
World Premiere: 24th Yubari International Fantastic Film Festival 2014
DVD/Bluray Release Date: Nov 24, 2014
Run Time: 40 min
Title picture Courtesy of Third Window Films.