A very sarcastic look at the fashion industry and the people addicted to it, Third Window Films brought this short film directed by Director Kosuke Takaya into the 22nd Raindance Film Festival 2014. BUY BLING, GET ONE FREE is part of a Japanese government initiative from an organisation called VIPO who run a project called ‘New Directions in Japanese Cinema’. Every year they work with 5 first time directors and make 30 minute films on 35mm! It is also having its release in Dual Format titled as ‘NEW DIRECTORS FROM JAPAN’ on 24th November, 2014. It will be a limited edition set of only 1,000 copies; therefore you can order it by clicking the following Amazon link

New Directors from Japan.
Courtesy of Third Window Films
The short film is Written and Directed by Director Kosuke Takaya. BUY BLING, GET ONE FREE takes a very sarcastic look at the world of fashion and the people addicted to it. The world of fashion as glamorous as it may look is not what it really is. The ones who follow it become addicted to it, and that addiction takes them too far away into materialism. It’s a kind of a slap-on-the-face movie, which makes fun of the fashion super models who in search of glamour and fame get themselves into the fashion world. Through that they successfully put themselves into the spotlight and come into the attention of the world, and once they realize they have gone too deep and turning back is impossible, they look for ways out but can’t find any. They realize that fame is a curse and returning to normal life is now non-existent for them.
This short film revolves around a fashion crazed boy Kamono Naoto, who because of his taste of fashion gets dumped by his girlfriend. He becomes very depressed about his lifestyle when one day an old man asks him if he can photograph him. Looking for attention he agrees, and next day finds himself on the cover of a fashion magazine. Thus he gets into the world of fashion where much unexpected things await him.
Director: Kosuke Takaya Writer: Kosuke Takaya Producer: Itsumichi Isomura Cinematographer: Katsumi Yanagihima Cast: Wataru Kora, Takashika Kobayashi, Rumi Hiragi Genre: Comedy, Youth, Fashion. Country: Japan Lanuage: Japanese DVD/Bluray Release Date: Nov 24, 2014 Run Time: 27 min
Title picture Courtesy of Third Window Films.