When a Wolf Falls in Love with a Sheep 2012 FILM REVIEW TERRACOTTA FAR EAST FILM FESTIVAL 2013
Director Chii-Jan Hou
Starring: Nikki Hsin-Ying , Man Shu Jian, Zhendong Ke
Genre: Comedy, Romance
Country: Taiwan
Language: Min Nan, Chinese
The last time I watched When A Wolf Falls In Love With A Sheep was in the Terracotta Far East Film Festival 2013, which was screened in the Prince Charles Cinema, in the heart of the Chinatown, London. This was my first time ever attending a Film Festival in London, and also the first Taiwanese film that I watched on the big screen.
When a Wolf Falls in Love with the Sheep is a story of a boy (Zhendong Ke) whose girlfriend (Nikki Hsin-Ying) leaves him one morning, leaving a note that she’s going to a Cram School in Taipei. He follows her to Taipei to search for her, and during that search, he goes through a few adventures of his own. During his job at a Photostat shop, he comes across a stack of exam papers with a sheep (Man shu Jian) drawn on it, complaining that it’s always alone. In response to that, he makes a wolf, and from there a new story starts.
Zhendong Ke, the Wolf, along with Man Shu Jian, the Sheep, give one of their best performances in this film. Filmed on the busy Nanyang Street, the Director Chi-Jan Hou shows a glimpse of life in the busy city of Taipei, Taiwan. The cinematography of this film is outstanding, and the best that I’ve seen. I love the way the busy market places are shown. It almost makes a viewer feel like he/she is there right at that moment.
This movie had a good audience turnout at the Prince Charles Cinema. It made the viewers laugh, smile and at places a bit sad. I will confess that I cried a bit, not only because of the sad parts, but because of immense joy of being a part of a film festival which showed such an outstanding film.
Winner of the Best Director in the Fantasia Film Festival 2013, this film is a must for all Asian film fans and at the top of the list of recommendation. Watch the trailer and judge for yourself.