Lexi Wood Talks Of Acting, Victoria’s Secret And Super Model Goals
Lexi Wood Talks Of Acting, Victoria’s Secret And Super Model Goals
One of the most amazing part of social media is that you can find really awesome people on it, and with the introduction of Instagram Live, that has become even easier. I found Lexi Wood while she was live on Instagram and asked her if I could interview her. She immediately said Yes and with that this interview came to life. Lexi Wood Talks Of Acting, Victoria’s Secret And Super Model Goals.
Lexi Wood is part of a new breed of fashion models who are devoted to their art. Till now, Lexi has had a successful career working for different fashion brands and magazines. She has also ventured into acting in a music video and aspires to become a Victoria’s Secret super model.
The London Tree: Hi Lexi Wood, it is an immense pleasure to talk to you. Please tell us about yourself.
Lexi Wood: Thanks for having me The London Tree. I am a 19 years old model from Canada, currently living in New York City, USA.
The London Tree: What inspired you to become a fashion model?
Lexi Wood: I was REALLY shy when I was younger. The only time I came out of my shell was when I was shooting with my sister who at the time wanted to be a photographer. My dad, who is a firefighter, was showing his friends at work some of the pictures my sister and I shot. One of his friends referred us to a modelling agency his kids were represented by. The next day we sent through my pictures and I heard back right away. The next thing I knew I was signed and working. With time I overcame my shyness and now have become quite confident.
The London Tree: What was it like when you had your first proper fashion shoot for a magazine or a fashion campaign?
Lexi Wood: It was for a magazine called GLASSbook, for which I landed a cover! The shoot was in Montreal and it was -20 outside that day. I was quite shy, infact I was so shy that there was a space heater blowing on my leg. The heat from it was nearly burning my leg, and I could not tell them to turn it off because it might sound rude as they had placed it there for me to stay warm. I slightly kept moving it so that the heat would not fall on the same spot for a long time. Other than that, being on a set was a dream come true for me. The team was fabulous and it is still one of my favourite shoots. I even brought my family and agent to Montreal to celebrate my first cover.
The London Tree: Till now, you have been featured in magazines such as Elements, Blowe, W25, Heaven Has Heels and many others. Is there any magazine that you would love to be featured in in the future and why?
Lexi Wood: American Vogue would be so amazing or any Vogue for that matter! I shot street style for Vogue Japan a couple of months ago but I would love to actually get on set with Vogue, to experience the creative process and to get some amazing shots.
The London Tree: Your instagram is filled with your pictures in lingerie and swimsuits. Do you have any favourite brands that you like to wear?
Lexi Wood: Lingerie wise, Victoria’s Secret is my go-to! For swim, I love Free Bella, Beach Riot and again, Victoria’s Secret.
The London Tree: You have also acted in Scott Helman’s music video ‘Machine’ what was the experience like and do you want to plan to be an actress too in the future?
Lexi Wood: Shooting Scott’s video was amazing. It was the first time I had ever acted and I was so thankful to be surrounded by a great team that helped me along the way. I think the coolest part was that I got to get down and dirty doing my own stunts! The video took place in a “war zone” so I had to run around old cars and jump off of things to get the shot. As far as acting in the future, I’m definitely open to other acting opportunities.
The London Tree: What is the best part of being an international model?
Lexi Wood: The people are definitely the best part of being a model. I get to hang out with some great people, not only business-wise but personally too. Everyone is so amazing and like-minded. My other favourite part of being a model is getting to see the world and experience different cultures.
The London Tree: Who do you look up to as a role model in the world of fashion?
Lexi Wood: Kate Moss! I am on the shorter end of the spectrum in the modelling world so it only makes sense to idolise Kate. I love that she still took the fashion industry by storm and didn’t allow her height to be a downfall.
The London Tree: What is fashion for you personally?
Lexi Wood: Fashion is a way of expressing yourself, from how you dress to how you pose in a photograph. Fashion is being yourself in your highest form.
The London Tree: What are you doing when you are not posing for the camera?
Lexi Wood: Hanging out with friends, getting food, having dance parties at home, going to movie premieres and events, or practicing my craft as a model so I’m ready for anything that comes my way.
The London Tree: Your three wishes in life?
Lexi Wood: 1 – Work with Victoria’s Secret and walk in the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show;
2 – Book a HUGE cosmetic campaign;
3 – To have a platform so I’m able to give back and spread as much love and light as I can.
The London Tree: Is becoming a super model you goal in life?
Lexi Wood: Yes! I think becoming a supermodel would give me an amazing opportunity and platform to be able to make a difference in the world. A lot of people look up to supermodels (myself included) and love to hear someone successfully talk about how they overcame obstacles to live their dreams and that it’s possible for others to do the same. In the future, I want to be at a place where I can constantly be giving back.
The London Tree: Your favourite social media platform?
Lexi Wood: My favourite social network is definitely Instagram! Instagram has been really useful to create my personal brand. The new Instagram Live update has really taken my account to the next level, I love to be able to hop on there and connect and talk to the people who are following me! I was actually scouted by my NYC agency through Instagram because I was always interacting with their account. Some of my favourite business connections and best friends have come from Instagram so I couldn’t be more thankful for the platform.
The London Tree: Lexi, it was such a pleasure to talk to you. We hope for you a prosperous future and success in your aspirations.
Lexi Wood: Thank you so much for chatting with me, xoxoxox.