Fashion and Film come alive on stage
London—14th August 2019: For the first time in catwalk history, fashion and film are merging onto a live performance on the catwalk in London.
On 31st August 2019, the creative group who descended upon Isle of Skye earlier in the summer, are set to open the Global12 festival which has been labelled as one of the most exciting weekends in the UK calendar where artists and creators from around the world perform live.
The festival, which is set to showcase artists from over 12 countries this year, will open with a grand 20-minute fashion show produced by Icelandic designer Sigrun Bjork Olafsdottir and incorporates the entire cast from her recently produced short film Cries of the Heart as well as wounded army veterans, stunt fighters and dance performers.
The performance is set to open to the ancient sound of a Carnyx, (a wind instrument which dates from between 80 and 200AD and is a Celtic trumpet which was used to terrify the enemy during battle) and will then take a turn and showcase modern fashion inspired by the Nordic and Celtic heritage. The show will conclude with a visual stunt performance of the cast of Cries of the Heart, which includes actors from The Last Kingdom, (2015), Transformers: The Last Knight (2017) and The Limehouse Golem (2016).
Cries of the Heart – Vikings versus Celts is a short film best described as a “love story” that explores relationships between Norsemen and Celtic women.
Writer and Producer Sigrún Björk Ólafsdóttir said: “The heart of the story is the blueprint of female DNA in Iceland.”
“Iceland was not just built by Norsemen but equally by Celtic women whose spirit is still very much alive today. The story tells of the conflicts endured between Vikings and Celts when matters of the heart changed the fate of many”
Directed by Gaui H Pic, a renowned director and videographer from Iceland, the film incorporates the dramatic Scottish Highlands in a way rarely seen before and tells the story via visuals and music.
The music in the film, which will be debuted on the Global12 catwalk, was created by Platinum selling singer/songwriter Alda Bjork Olafsdottir in collaboration with acclaimed composer Tom E Morrison (Viking Destiny etc.) featuring such talented musicians as Grammy award winning Perry Stenbäck and Dermot Crehan (Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Hans Zimmer, James Cameron, Sting, Nightwish and Natasha Hardy).

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